Application Rich Snippets: Applikationen in den SERPs
Das Beispiel ist direkt von der Google-Doku übernommen (lediglich 'Angry Birds'
wurde durch 'Cut the Rope' ersetzt ;)). Weitere Rich Snippets wie Produktdaten und Reviews wurden
aus Übersichtsgründen entfernt. Weiterhin wurde das Element operatingsystemversion entfernt, da
es laut Testing Tool nicht zum Schema gehört.
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Beispiel: Application Rich Snippets
Quellcode zum: Application Rich Snippets Beispiel
<div itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""> <img itemprop="image" src="" /> <span itemprop="name">Cut the Rope</span> - <div itemprop="author" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""> <a itemprop="url" href=""><span itemprop="name">Zeptolab</span></a> </div> <span itemprop="description">Cut the Rope, catch a star, and feed Om Nom candy in this award-winning game! The long-awaited hit game has finally arrived at Android! </span> CONTENT RATING: <span itemprop="contentRating">Low Maturity</span> UPDATED: <time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2011-06-30">June 30, 2011</time> REQUIRES <span itemprop="operatingSystems">ANDROID 1.6</span> and up <link itemprop="SoftwareApplicationCategory" href=""/> CATEGORY: <span itemprop="SoftwareApplicationSubCategory">Brain & Puzzle</span> SIZE: 14M <meta itemprop="fileSize" content="14680064"/> INSTALLS: <meta itemprop="interactionCount" content="UserDownloads:100000"/>100,000 - 500,000 THIS APPLICATION HAS ACCESS TO THE FOLLOWING: <span itemprop="permissions">YOUR LOCATION. COARSE (NETWORK-BASED) LOCATION Access coarse location sources such as the cellular network database to determine an approximate device location, where available. Malicious applications can use this to determine approximately where you are.</span> <span itemprop="permissions">NETWORK COMMUNICATION FULL INTERNET ACCESS Allows an application to create network sockets. </span> <span itemprop="permissions">PHONE CALLS READ PHONE STATE AND IDENTITY Allows the application to access the phone features of the device. An application with this permission can determine the phone number and serial number of this phone, whether a call is active, the number that call is connected to and the like. </span> </div>
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